Recruit-Drive Blogs

News, stories, and updates from Recruit-Drive

  • Social Media in the workplace...

    It is a relatively new phenomenon that is constantly changing so companies need guidelines to govern the use of all social media. ??A social media policy may include all or an...

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    Date: Mar 07,2014

  • Recruit-Drive's January 2014, half-price sa...

    The Recruit-Drive January sale is here: 50% off jobseeker ability tests and 50% off employer job advert packages!? ...

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    Date: Jan 02,2014

  • Boosting morale in the workplace - the valu...

    Let’s look back into your past between the ages of 5-10. Do you remember being in school and playing games with your classmates? How was it? Fun right. Little worries and you were just focused enjoying yourself and completing the task in a simplistic manner even though you didn’t realise it. Disengaged employees cost organisations millions and their uncooperative, negative a...

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    Date: Dec 30,2013

  • IOCs defiance costs Nigeria $74m daily as g...

    International oil companies (IOCs) defiance costs Nigeria $74m daily as gas flaring goes on: <span 1.6em;"="">IOCs, the major perpetrators of gas flaring in the country, and other oil producing companies, have continued to ignore the $3.5 per standard cubic feet (scf) penalty put in place by the government to discourage flaring from which the country loses about $74...

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    Date: Dec 26,2013

  • Feb 24 2014

    Creating a video resume


    A video resume is a great modern way to showcase your skills and enhance your traditional CV especially if you aspire to build a career in a creative profession. It is an opportunity to demonstrate that you are a professional candidate with good verbal communication skills.


    So, what do you need to consider when making a video resume?


    1.Is it appropriate?


    Only make a video if it is relevant-you would not want to make a generic video and send it out to employers without mentioning the specifics of the vacant position and industry.


    2.Never read out your resume


  • Jan 13 2014

    For us this is simple; research has proven that watching a video can lead to learning faster and retaining more information than just reading books and articles.

    Remember our post titled 'How to prepare for a presentation'

    To reiterate the majority of our brain is devoted to processing visual information therefore we learn much faster from pictures than words. However when the two are combined it is a lot more effective; this is known as the Picture Superiority Effect, which states that we remember 65% of what we have learnt three days after, provided it is both a picture and a word shown together compared to 10% for just a word alone.


    Why use video training?


  • Dec 21 2013

    Regardless of your current title or position in your company you may have to make a presentation. You must be well prepared to have impact and make a good impression.

    You may have heard this before but it has to be said again and again…Do not read from a script and reply only on notes. When giving presentations it is about the audience and communicating with them.

    We absorb information approximately in the following ways:

    • 1% through taste

    • 1 ½ % through touch

    • 3 ½ % through smell

    • 11% through hearing

    • 83% through sight

    Therefore we can presume the audience retain more when they hear and see it. When you take the role of a presenter you will need to spend time thinking about how to convey the right emo..
