Recruit-Drive Blogs

News, stories, and updates from Recruit-Drive

  • Social Media in the workplace...

    It is a relatively new phenomenon that is constantly changing so companies need guidelines to govern the use of all social media. ??A social media policy may include all or an...

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    Date: Mar 07,2014

  • Recruit-Drive's January 2014, half-price sa...

    The Recruit-Drive January sale is here: 50% off jobseeker ability tests and 50% off employer job advert packages!? ...

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    Date: Jan 02,2014

  • Boosting morale in the workplace - the valu...

    Let’s look back into your past between the ages of 5-10. Do you remember being in school and playing games with your classmates? How was it? Fun right. Little worries and you were just focused enjoying yourself and completing the task in a simplistic manner even though you didn’t realise it. Disengaged employees cost organisations millions and their uncooperative, negative a...

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    Date: Dec 30,2013

  • IOCs defiance costs Nigeria $74m daily as g...

    International oil companies (IOCs) defiance costs Nigeria $74m daily as gas flaring goes on: <span 1.6em;"="">IOCs, the major perpetrators of gas flaring in the country, and other oil producing companies, have continued to ignore the $3.5 per standard cubic feet (scf) penalty put in place by the government to discourage flaring from which the country loses about $74...

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    Date: Dec 26,2013

  • Apr 12 2014

    Employee salaries and the process of giving pay raises remains a secret and few are privy to the closely guarded process, sadly it remains archaic even in the modern day age. Disconnect between compensation and performance is one of the biggest contributors of employee angst and subsequent employee disengagement.

    Due to lack of transparency, most of the employees fail to understand the compensation program and generally have a perception that it is inconsistent and unfair.Disengaged employees may have reduced productivity and increased chances of attrition...

  • Apr 10 2014

    Sometimes the only thing worse than having an HR department is not having one.

    When LRN Corp., which helps companies develop ethics and compliance programs, restructured a few years ago, the 250-employee business abolished most job titles and department names. It also did away with its human-resources department, which had dealt with recruiting and compensation issues, among other things.

  • Mar 07 2014

    More employers are allowing social media in the workplace. If your organisation does not have a social media policy we suggest you raise the topic swiftly.


    It is a relatively new phenomenon that is constantly changing so companies need guidelines to govern the use of all social media. ??A social media policy may include all or any of the following sections: 

    1.Control of Social media use??, 2.Monitoring the private vs. public??, 3.Ownership of data, 4.Recruitment?? , 5.Discipline & Dismissal?? , 6.Legal Proceedings

  • Feb 24 2014

    Creating a video resume


    A video resume is a great modern way to showcase your skills and enhance your traditional CV especially if you aspire to build a career in a creative profession. It is an opportunity to demonstrate that you are a professional candidate with good verbal communication skills.


    So, what do you need to consider when making a video resume?


    1.Is it appropriate?


    Only make a video if it is relevant-you would not want to make a generic video and send it out to employers without mentioning the specifics of the vacant position and industry.


    2.Never read out your resume


  • Feb 18 2014

    Mob mentality is a term used to refer to unique behavioral characteristics that emerge when people are in large groups. It is often used in a negative sense, because the term “mob” typically conjures up an image of an aggressive, chaotic group of people. It became a very popular term associated with football.

    In the workplace this has been translated to gang mentality which is also known as: mobbing, bullying and harassment to name a few of the more common terms. 

    This is a very serious issue for all organizations as they need to proactively avoid developing a bullying culture; statistics show one in four people have been bullied in the workplace. The humiliating acts vary from verbal or physical abuse and public humiliation.

    Workplace harassment is much deeper than unpleasantness and aggression - it can have consequ..

  • Jan 18 2014

    Please note that there is a risk of spoilers in this blog entry but no key storylines within the movie ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ will be given away.

    Are you a good boss? No really? Think about it.

    Do you expect your employees or those you manage to act like you or to be their own person? Is it your way or the highway? Do you encourage behaviour that is wrong just to get the job done and meet KPIs?

    If you answered yes to any of these question then you may be exhibiting the narcissistic tendencies which were comically shown in the ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ movie. You may be thinking, oh, but it is just a movie. This is not the case, it is based on a true story which means it actually happened and there really are people like Jordan Belfort, Donnie Azoff and Mark Hanna (to name a few from the movie)..

  • Jan 13 2014

    For us this is simple; research has proven that watching a video can lead to learning faster and retaining more information than just reading books and articles.

    Remember our post titled 'How to prepare for a presentation'

    To reiterate the majority of our brain is devoted to processing visual information therefore we learn much faster from pictures than words. However when the two are combined it is a lot more effective; this is known as the Picture Superiority Effect, which states that we remember 65% of what we have learnt three days after, provided it is both a picture and a word shown together compared to 10% for just a word alone.


    Why use video training?


  • Jan 11 2014

    Who is to blame? And does it actually matter?


    The definition of blame is to 'feel or declare that (someone or something) is responsible for a fault or wrong'. And the definition of a scapegoat is 'One that is made to bear the blame of others'. The problem with blame game in the workplace is it permits individuals, teams and companies (yes, if it is part of their culture) to be stagnant.


    Picture this... A group of four junior eager sales executives have just landed their first pitch after joining the company out of university with a top organisation with 5,000 + head count. They showed great initiative by using their contacts to get their foot in the door. So they go out to meet with the company executives and give it all that they have got and leave feeling like they did a gre..

  • Jan 05 2014

    Back to work tomorrow after the holiday break. Have you got the January blues?

    The festive period has passed and with many returning to work for January 2014 feeling the post-holiday gloom. Remember you are not alone; everybody gets the back-to-work blues. You just need to read this and get motivated again.

    Below are 10 ways to beat the January blues and have a great start to 2014.

    1. Make a resolution or set yourself some goals-This is a great way to keep you motivated til you get back into the swing of things

    2. Exercise more often-If you keep your body fit your mind will equally be fit after that post work out buzz

    3. Watch what you eat and drink- Certain foods have the vitamins and minerals to give you more energy

    4. Sleeping hours- Try and get 7-8 hours sleep to make ..

  • Jan 04 2014

    Happy New Year from all of us at Recruit-drive!

    We wish you a wonderful new year filled with abundance, joy, and precious moments. May 2014 be your best year yet!

    Are you following us on Twitter? Like us one Facebook too. Each week we will be posting titles by RD and others to promote your career advancement and personal development this year.

    Also be on the lookout for our sales and prize giveaways throughout 2014! Good Luck.


  • Jan 02 2014

    Brought to you by professionals - for professionals.


    The Recruit-Drive January sale is here: 50% off jobseeker ability tests and 50% off employer job advert packages!?

    Sign up now and start the year as you mean to go on..


  • Jan 02 2014

    Coaching uses one-to-one conversations and guided questioning to unlock an employees inner potential. Coaching targets high performance and improvement at work and usually focuses on specific skills and goals. Although it may also have an impact on an individual personally in carrying out their day-to-day activities in key identified areas such as social interaction and confidence. In turn it helps managers deal with change and find solutions to business problems through conversations. It’s an effective way of creating a high performance culture in an organisation.?? 


    The characteristics of coaching can be any or several of the following:

    • It is essentially a non-directive form of development.

    • It focuses on improving performance and developing individuals&rsq..

  • Dec 30 2013

    Let’s look back into your past between the ages of 5-10. Do you remember being in school and playing games with your classmates? How was it? Fun right. Little worries and you were just focused enjoying yourself and completing the task in a simplistic manner even though you didn’t realise it.

    Disengaged employees cost organisations millions and their uncooperative, negative attitudes, fault-finding, complaining, increased tardiness, gossiping, and backstabbing will have a ripple effect on those around them. Therefore organisations should work towards achieving a childlike synergy within teams when employees are collaborating.

    Our advice for boosting morale – Team building activities and games. The greatest advantage is this will cost the organisation nothing apart from time (for the teams to develop themselves) ..

  • Dec 28 2013

    What's the difference; you may be asking yourself?


    Talent acquisition is of the upmost importance in organizations today. A lot of time, energy and money is spent with this goal in mind. Hundreds of thousands and in some cases millions are being spent on targeting top candidates. Organizations also have recruitment managers compiling metics to ensure ROI. However they can save time and money by focusing on the efficiency in the hiring process; screening and on-boarding.


    Organizations are also struggling to retain talent after hiring. Studies show that 22 percent of turnover in the U.S. occurs in the first 45 days of employment. New hires expect to hit the ground running but there is often a disconnect between the expectations and the reality. So they are likely to loose those talented ind..

  • Dec 26 2013

    International oil companies (IOCs) defiance costs Nigeria $74m daily as gas flaring goes on:

    <span 1.6em;"="">IOCs, the major perpetrators of gas flaring in the country, and other oil producing companies, have continued to ignore the $3.5 per standard cubic feet (scf) penalty put in place by the government to discourage flaring from which the country loses about $74 million daily. Government on its part has not been able to enforce the regulation because of threats of shutdowns by operators. 

    The Ministry of Petroleum Resources introduced the $3.5 gas flare penalty fee in 2011, and the directive was communicated to operators on August 15, 2011, which saw the gas penalty being raised from N10 to $3.5 per scf. 

    A top official of the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), the ag..

  • Dec 21 2013

    Regardless of your current title or position in your company you may have to make a presentation. You must be well prepared to have impact and make a good impression.

    You may have heard this before but it has to be said again and again…Do not read from a script and reply only on notes. When giving presentations it is about the audience and communicating with them.

    We absorb information approximately in the following ways:

    • 1% through taste

    • 1 ½ % through touch

    • 3 ½ % through smell

    • 11% through hearing

    • 83% through sight

    Therefore we can presume the audience retain more when they hear and see it. When you take the role of a presenter you will need to spend time thinking about how to convey the right emo..

  • Dec 16 2013

    Have you been asked to write a reference letter? Most of us will be asked at some point; it might be a former employee or student, or even a family friend. And it may be for a job, a scholarship, a grant, or some other opportunity. Regardless of the purpose are are some key points you will want to make when writing your letter of recommendation.

    But what is a reference letter? A reference letter is usually written to testify to a person’s skills, character and/or achievements. It is also known as a “recommendation letter”.

    When asked to write a reference letter you should ask yourself the following questions:

    • Do you know the candidate? The candidate should be someone you know reasonably well. For example, you cannot comment on the ability of a person who you never worked with and only met you on..

  • Dec 08 2013

    Affirmations are statements that you say out loud to yourself on a regular basis. The goal is to re-program your subconscious mind with positive thoughts so that you can reach your maximum potential. They can also be a great tool for boosting your self-belief and to help you relax when you are stressed out.

    Have you ever met someone and asked them 'why are you so happy?' or 'why are you not angry at that person?' They seem odd right. Affirmations are very popular in religions, which is one of the reasons why people feel those with inner peace or who are very positive appear to be deeply religious or very self-assured but they not that different from the average person. The difference is they have trained themselves to think and act differently in order to overcome obstacles.

    There may be one or several reasons why ..

  • Nov 30 2013

    Recently we stumbled on terms to describe job seekers and we decided to do more investigation into matter to make others aware so they can have the upper hand when recruiting or searching for a job.

    A passive job seeker is someone who is not actively looking for work but are open to new opportunities. They are already in the game!

    Job seekers who are currently employed are at an advantage, due both to their own resourcefulness as well as existing stereotypes of them already being qualified. Passive candidates are likely to be headhunted, poached or currently employees may recommend them for vacancy. They are often likely to be comfortable in their current jobs so a new opportunity would have to be very attractive. And more often than not that they would want to find a new job before leaving their current position.

